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Marriage is a time for celebration and festivity but also for contemplation and reflection on commitment, faithfulness and loyalty.


Weddings are the joyful celebration of the beginning of a new life together for the couple getting married. In a wedding, bride and groom give each other their consent, make solemn vows to one another, and have their union blessed in the presence of God. The concept of covenant between the couple reflects the relationship between God and the world. Marriage is a gift from God and a symbol of God’s unending love for his people.The service may also, if the couple want, take place in the context of a celebration of the Eucharist, referred to as a nuptial Mass.


If you would like to know more about how you could celebrate this Sacrament at All Saints, please be in touch with the clergy.


There is a dedicated Church of England website to weddings with very useful resources and practical information. Go to this website by clicking on the image below.

All Saints Church

Beulah Hill

Upper Norwood

London - SE19 3EP


020 8653 2820

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Registered Charity Number 1201205

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