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Church School

All Saints School  

The Junior and Infants schools were amalgamated into the current All Saints’ CoE Primary School, a Voluntary Aided Church of England School, in September 2012.


Foundation Governors

All Saints’ Church has provided a strong group of Foundation governors for the school, who are active and committed, bringing valuable and much-sought-after skills to this key strategic role.


Through their Board, Committee work and designated governor roles, governors from All Saints’ Church (including our ex-officio governor) have taken a strategic lead in all aspects of the school’s work, giving very freely of their time. In terms of SIAMS, key impacts have been focusing the Faith Committee on overseeing the religious life and standards in the school; developing the role of Class Chaplains; drafting the school’s Mission Statement.

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All Saints Church

Beulah Hill

Upper Norwood

London - SE19 3EP


020 8653 2820

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Registered Charity Number 1201205

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